5 Steps To A Healthy Heart

Heart disease kills roughly the same number people in the United States each year as cancer, lower respiratory diseases (including pneumonia), and accidents combined. Heart disease and stroke cost the nation an estimated $316.6 billion in health care costs and lost productivity in 2011.  By 2030, annual direct medical costs associated with cardiovascular diseases are projected to rise to more than $818 billion, while lost productivity costs could exceed $275 billion

Yet even with all the money being spent on treatment and prevention, the incident of heart disease and cardiovascular disease continues to increase.  What can YOU do to help prevent heart disease? 

Here are 5 Steps you can take that will not only build a healthier heart but will also build your overall foundation of health.  

1. Eat a healthy diet.  I recommend a way of eating that follows the Wise Traditions way of eating promoted by the Weston Price Foundation.  https://www.westonaprice.org  It includes a diet rich in whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables; cold-water fish (like tuna and salmon);  healthy sources of animal fat from butter, ghee, tallow, coconut oil and avocados; moderate amounts of “clean” beef, poultry and pork.  Eat only grains that have been prepared and cooked in the proper way.  Eliminate junk food and processed foods as much as possible.  Also avoid sodas and all sugary drinks.

2. Keep a healthy body weight.  Being overweight is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease and heart attack.  Being 20% over your normal body weight can significantly increase your chances of heart disease.  The good news:  when you follow Step 1 above, keeping a healthy body weight is easy. 

3. Keep active.  Lack of exercise is the single worst risk factor for heart disease.  That doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym 5 days a week to keep a healthy heart.   Just increasing your daily activity level can help.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park in the outer limits and walk to the store.  Simple things add up.  More good news: by keeping Steps 1 and 2 above, it’s a lot easier to keep active.

4. Get regular chiropractic adjustments.  In order for you to be as healthy as you can be, it’s important that your spine and nervous system be as healthy as THEY can be.  When the spine becomes subluxated (misaligned) it can cause stress to the nerves going to the organs of the body, including the heart.  This irritation to the nervous system can cause lowered function in any part of the body.  Regular adjustments reduce levels of stress, improve quality of sleep and rest and improve circulation.  Keeping a healthy heart – or a healthy body – includes regular chiropractic care.  The good news?  By keeping 1 – 3 above, your body responds even that much better to chiropractic care. 

5. Get a Nutrition Response Testing® analysis.  Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.  Through this method of analysis, it is possible to find hidden causes of illness.  For example, your symptoms and findings may point to a heart condition but it is possible that some hidden organ dysfunction may be the real problem and it is this hidden condition that is putting stress on the heart.  Best news for last: Nutrition Response Testing® is the BEST way to support the body on its journey of healing and health. 

On this Valentine's Day, enjoy being with the ones you love and remember to take care of your heart.  It's the only one you have!